Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods - Food and Health

Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods

Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods
Take Care of Your Liver
Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods Your liver is one of your excretion organs. It has a very important role in your body's overall health. Your liver works together with your gall bladder to help your digestive processes. It also removes the toxins that travel through your blood stream. Also, it intervenes in the production of certain hormones. Your liver is also key for storage and use of certain essential nutrients. However, just like other systems in your body, it can start to have problems and diseases. These prevent it from working optimally. As a result, this causes a series of negative reactions. If they aren't controlled, they can affect your quality of life. Luckily, many of these problems can be avoided by just changing your daily habits and diet. In fact, there are several foods whose properties support your liver function. This prevents the development of severe diseases. In this article, we want to share the 8 best ones in detail, so that you don't hesitate to start eating more of them.

1 Garlic. Garlic is one of the foods that can help you increase your liver function. This is especially true when you have a buildup of toxins. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances. These support your blood's detox process to reduce an overload. This uses an essential amino acid called arginine. Its effects relax your blood vessels. It also reduces the pressure of this organ. Also, it gives you significant portions of vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. These are two essential nutrients that reduce cellular damage and the accumulation of cholesterol.

2 Olive oil. Olive oil is one of the "superfoods" that helps increase many aspects of your health. It has omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Both of these are necessary for removing residues stored in your liver. They also inhibit cellular oxidation. Eating it in moderation controls your cholesterol. And, it increases your metabolism to reduce excess fat.

3 Green tea. Arginine Green tea is a healthy drink that promotes good liver function. It does this thanks to its high content of some antioxidants called catechins. These substances make part of the group called flavonoids. After being assimilated, they help to protect the tissue against toxic free radicals and toxins.

4 Grapefruit. Grapefruits don't just stand out because of their large amount of vitamin C. They also stand out because of their glutathione content. This substance is produced naturally in your liver. And, it's used in several important processes in your body like repairing your tissues. Each grapefruit can give you up to 70 mg of glutathione. Thanks to this, it's very useful for stimulating your enzymes during this process of detoxification.

5 Apples. This delicious fruit has high levels of pectin. This is a kind of natural fiber that helps support your digestion and get rid of toxins. Also, eating it helps regulate your blood's pH level. Also, it has a protecting effect against toxic residue that accumulates in this organ.

6 Lemon. Lemon's high content of vitamin C makes it a great ally for taking care and increasing your liver health. This antioxidant nutrient helps to convert the toxins into compounds that easily dissolve in water. This makes it easier to get rid of later. It also supports the decomposition process of fats and supports control of your cholesterol.

7 Avocados. Avocados are a prodigious fruit. Because of its high nutritional value, they can help to increase your heart, digestive, and liver health. It has high levels of glutathione. It gives you important amounts of vitamin C and E. These are two powerful antioxidants that counteract the damage caused by free radicals. If that wasn't enough, it has essential fatty acids. These are necessary for regulating your inflammation and cholesterol level.

8 Nuts. Nuts are a source of L-arginine. This is an essential amino acid that helps you to decompose the toxic residues stored in your liver. This substance, due to its dietary fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, helps you control excessive inflammation in your tissues and stimulates the cleansing process. Its regular consumption helps to control food cravings and controls your bad cholesterol (LDL). Are you worried about your liver health? Be sure to increase how much you eat the foods we mentioned. Remember to complement them with a balanced diet and lots of water and exercise... 

8 Foods You Should Eat to Have a Healthy Brain and Memory - Food and Health

8 Foods You Should Eat to Have a Healthy Brain Memory

Foods You Should Eat to Have a Healthy Brain
Healthy Brain
Moreover, your brain, together with your nervous system, is responsible for providing a wide variety of physical and mental abilities. The brain also functions as the axis of control of the whole body, not only because it regulates cognitive functions, but also because it intervenes in the vital processes of all organs and systems. It's so surprising that so far it's been impossible to exactly determine what may be the brain's greatest scope in human development. However, what's clearly known is that life habits positively or negatively influence the multiple tasks it performs. For example, your diet can provide some essential nutrients which help keep this organ healthy over time after your body absorbs them. In this article, we want to share 8 healthy foods that everyone can eat which take care of this important organ.

1 Dark chocolate. Moderately consuming dark chocolate that has a minimum of 60% cocoa provides interesting benefits for the brain and nervous system health. This food contains high levels of antioxidant substances. After being absorbed in the body, they minimize the negative effects of free radicals on your cells. It also provides significant amounts of B vitamins and minerals needed to prevent hormonal and nervous imbalances. Dark chocolate is also recommended to stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphins, two neurotransmitters that control stress and anxiety.

2 Natural yogurt. The reason you're advised to consume natural yogurt to improve brain function is that it contains healthy bacteria that help protect it. Even though these live cultures directly influence intestinal health, their absorption positively influences the optimal health of the brain.

3 Oats. Known as "the Queen of cereals," oats are a food rich in nutritional compounds that provide many benefits for the health of the body. First of all, they contains significant amounts of vitamin B1. This is necessary to protect the brain from the negative effects of aging and free radicals. Furthermore, their antioxidant compounds slow down cell damage caused by free radicals. In turn, they promote an improvement in concentration and memory. Moreover, oats are recommended for times where you must exert yourself intellectually since the provides a healthy boost of energy.

4 Onions. Onion is a food rich in antioxidant compounds that help protect brain cells to prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases. They contain large quantities of quercetin and anthocyanins, which contribute to improving concentration ability. This, in turn, also balances the functions of the central nervous system.

5 Oily fish. Oily fish is one of the greatest natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids. This is a type of healthy polyunsaturated fat that provides benefits for both heart and cognitive health. This nutrient helps clean arteries since it removes cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaque. Its anti-inflammatory properties improve the process of cellular oxygenation and prevent the development of chronic disorders such as strokes.

6 Avocados. This delicious green-pulp fruit has healthy fats and antioxidant compounds that help prevent brain cells from aging prematurely. In addition, their omega-3 fatty acids, as well as its vitamin E content, counteract the harmful effects of free radicals and prevent cognitive decline.

7 Flaxseed. Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and other compounds with antioxidant action thatt help protect the health of the brain. Consuming it gives the whole body extra energy and also improves concentration and mental performance. In addition, adding flaxseed to your diet reduces the negative impact of oxidative damage. It also counteracts cells in the brain tissues from aging.

8 Olive oil. The healthy fats in extra virgin olive oil are useful for removing bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries. This type of cholesterol is associated with cardiovascular disorders such as stroke. Furthermore, this nutrient, together with its antioxidants, controls the inflammatory processes of the body. Plus, it also decreases imbalances in the nervous system. Consuming it enhances the smooth functioning of brain cells and blood circulation, which is crucial for keeping the brain healthy...

Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday - Food and Health

Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday
Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday
These Nuts Are Absolutely Incredible for Your Health We all know that nuts and dried fruit are like magic for your health and beauty. You could say they contain the most nutrients in the smallest package. As if that weren't enough, they contain vegetable fat, which is super healthy. In this article, we'll tell you what each nut offers and which you should eat depending on your health issue. Nuts and seeds, the complete package. The World Health Organization (WHO) has put nuts on their list of recommended foods in a healthy diet. Despite this, we usually don't eat them in the right amount or right way, so we don't enjoy all of their benefits. The problem isn't that we don't eat enough of them… But that we do it wrong. We like to eat them fried, salted, or covered in sugar like a dessert. Nuts are healthy if and only if they're eaten raw along with other healthy foods like salads or steamed vegetables. The daily recommended amount give by the Heart Foundation is about 50 grams. These little gems are great at treating all kinds of health issues and covering many of your basic needs. While they don't do miracles all by themselves, they can indeed help in different treatments. "Check this out too: 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Nuts". Tell me what's wrong and I'll tell you which nut or seed to eat. There's at least one of them out there to help improve any health issue you may have. We'll tell you about the most important ones:. For high cholesterol: almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts. All three contain monounsaturated fats that improve your cardiovascular health and clear out fat and cholesterol from your blood. Consuming 60 grams of a mixture of almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts can reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by almost 80%. These nuts also prevent heart disease and balance your blood pressure.

Hazelnuts in particular have been discovered to lower an amino acid called homocysteine, which can damage your artery linings. In addition, almonds contain flavonoids, which support your immune system. For constipation: macadamia nuts, walnuts, and pistachios. When you're unable to go to the bathroom, dried fruits like raisins and apricot preserves are recommended. That's because both contain a good amount of fiber. However, these remedies your grandma passed down to you aren't your only options. It has been proven in multiple studies that pistachios provide 10% of this nutrient, while walnuts provide 6. 5%, and macadamia nuts 5%. It should also be pointed out that these foods have the ability to reduce your risk of colon cancer. A handful of any of them is perfect for dealing with constipation. For weight problems: almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts. This is the same combo we used for high cholesterol. Some people believe that nuts aren't good for obese people, but this isn't true. When eaten in reasonable portions, they can be great at helping you slim down. People who eat almonds, hazelnuts, or walnuts regularly are less likely to gain wait and become obese. This is mainly because they are very filling. If you have 1/4 cup of nuts, you'll be eating enough calories to keep from getting hungry for several hours. In addition, they contain very high quality healthy vegetable oils. For diabetes: Almonds, cashews, pine nuts, and pistachios. These nuts offer a great amount of minerals (including iron, calcium, and magnesium). If we focus on just one of them, magnesium, we can say that cashews contain 292 mg in each 100 grams, almonds 270 mg, and pine nuts 251 mg. It has been proven that magnesium is good for insulin resistance and thus helps prevent diabetes, or keep it from worsening. As for potassium, pistachios have a very high amount, and a deficiency of this mineral is a risk factor for diabetes. For degenerative health issues:

Almonds and hazelnuts. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are two of the most common degenerative diseases. Nuts in general and almonds and hazelnuts in particular can lower your risk of getting them. The reason is that they contain a lot of vitamin E, which prevents cognitive deterioration over time. For painful periods: pistachios. If premenstrual syndrome is a real problem for you, if you get very painful periods, or if you get too irritable, pistachios are the nut for you. They contain a good amount of vitamin B6, which several studies say helps with the depression that comes before your period. They also help suppress your appetite and keep you from eating emotionally (another typical problem). Pistachios have 1. 7 mg of vitamin B6 per 100 grams. For fatigue: almonds. If you want better performance at work on in sports, if you feel like you fall asleep anywhere and you're having trouble getting things done, almonds can help. Eat 75 grams a day to regulate your carbohydrate reserves, transportation of oxygen, and metabolism. As if that weren't enough, they also contain antioxidants. Calcium loss of the bones: Almonds and pine nuts. Nuts are a good source of calcium and recommended for vegans or people who don't eat dairy because they're lactose intolerant. One of the nuts that contains the most of this mineral are almonds (269 mg per 100 grams). As for pine nuts, they contain a significant amount of zinc (6. 45 mg per 100 grams), a mineral that encourages bone growth and strength. A handful of both every day and… stronger bones! They're ideal for older people and women after menopause... 

7 Foods That Will Allow to Take Care of Your Renal Health - Food and Health

7 Foods That Will Allow to Take Care of Your Renal Health

renal healthcare
renal healthcare
7 Foods That Will Allow You to Regulate Your Sodium Levels to Take Care of Your Renal Health Curious as it may seem, sodium is present in almost all industrial and pre-cooked foods we eat on a daily basis. This also includes supermarket juices and carbonated drinks. Excessively consuming this mineral not only results in hypertension but has further effects, to the point of leading to bone, digestive, cardiovascular or skin problems. Although it's always advisable to moderate your sodium intake, this doesn't mean that you must fall into the error of restricting it completely. The key, as with everything that affects our diet, is moderation. You can't forget that sodium is very important in cellular metabolism, which mediates muscle contraction, and promotes the proper "acid-base" balance in our body. Furthermore, you lose a good part of this mineral through your urine, feces and sweat. That is why it's vital, on the one hand, not to accumulate more than you need in your body, but also not to lose more than the body itself needs to carry out its functions. How about you start paying a little more attention to regulating your sodium consumption today? Below are seven foods that will help you do it.

1 Pineapple. The main benefits of this delicious fruit are its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It favors lymphatic circulation and is rich in copper and manganese, two essential minerals that help purify excess sodium in our body. Also, its bromelain and vitamin C content reduce the inflammatory processes which occur due to the accumulation of sodium in the body and which greatly affect our renal health. Always eat it fresh, so avoid pineapples that come in packaging. In addition, take advantage of your imagination to add it to various meals in your diet. Also discover: 10 Foods that Relieve Hypotension.

2 Oregano. Oregano can be used as a fabulous seasoning and a substitute for salt. Remember: sodium is present in all processed foods, such as bread. One way to reduce the amount of salt present in the bread you eat daily is to add a spoonful of olive oil with a little oregano to it. You'll love it. In addition, oregano contains beta-caryophyllene (E-BCP), a substance that prevents swelling and promotes blood circulation. Don't hesitate to always include it in your diet.

3 Strawberries. Regularly consuming organic strawberries will help you not only enjoy better kidney health, but will also reduce your uric acid levels, your bad cholesterol (or LDL) and hypertension. However, remember to always consume them in their natural form. By the time you eat strawberry jam or packaged juice, you're adding a high level of sodium to your body without knowing it. Ripe strawberries, like ripe raspberries, are richer in flavonoids than unripe or frozen strawberries that you may find in the supermarket. Don't hesitate to take advantage of when this fruit is in season and share its wonderful flavor and benefits with your whole family.

4 Artichokes. Artichokes balance your blood pressure thanks to the vitamins reduced amount of sodium they contain. It's great if you consume them with a little olive oil and lemon juice. This helps the purification of the liver and also takes care of your renal health thanks to the acids, vitamins, and enzymes found in these foods.

5 Cilantro. Cilantro is a very powerful natural diuretic that you can take advantage of by adding it to your soups or salad. Its intense and original flavor mixes very well in certain dishes where it can act as a suitable substitute for salt. In addition, it helps lower blood pressure, reducing the classic effects associated with hypertension such as headaches or migraines.

6 Garlic. Do you already have garlic salt in your kitchen? If not, don't hesitate to make this natural and more than successful remedy to reduce your hypertension. In addition, it will allow you to enjoy your meals without missing the table salt. Garlic is a medicinal food that everyone should have in the kitchen. It acts as an antibiotic, reduces hypertension, and contains allicin, an enzyme that takes care of our heart and renal health.

7 Radishes. Radishes have an unmistakable flavor, taste refreshing, and are almost as medicinal as garlic itself. This vegetable, which is very common in Indian cuisine, has remarkable anti-hypertensive effects. Its secret lies in ethyl acetate, which is a compound that you can benefit from as long as you consume it naturally. The effort to "chew" this vegetable and experience its intense flavor is certainly worth it. And don't forget about its health benefits!. To conclude, as we pointed out in the beginning, the main aim isn't to avoid consuming sodium. In other words, opt for foods that already give you a good part of the nutritional balance that you need. Are you going to start taking care of yourself a little better?. 

7 Signs that You’re Not Eating Enough Protein - Food and Health

7 Signs that You’re Not Eating Enough Protein

Signs that You’re Not Eating Enough Protein
Signs that You’re Not Eating Enough Protein
7 Signs that You’re Not Eating Enough Protein Protein is fundamental to maintaining, growing, and repairing the cells in your body. A lack of protein will make your body send you signs that are more noticeable than you may have thought. If you think you aren't eating enough protein, take a look at the following signs that your body may be sending you.

1 Cravings. What protein does is level out your blood sugar. If you're not eating enough, this is not happening, so you'll start to get sudden cravings for sweets.

2 Dry skin. weak nails and hair. If you don't consume the amount of protein you need, your hair will get thinner and more fragile, and it will fall out more easily. As for your skin, it's also common for it to get flaky and excessively dry. If you notice crests or raised areas in your cuticles, this also may be due to a protein deficiency.

3 Trouble concentrating. If you're finding it hard to concentrate, this may also be due to a lack of protein. When your body doesn't get the protein it needs, you may experience short bursts of clarity followed by more confusion. The reason this happens is that there are fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, which directly affects your brain.

4 Muscle and joint pain. If you notice muscle weakness and have joint pain even when you haven't exercised, your problem may be a protein deficiency. The reason is just that the tissues of your body, particularly your muscles, require protein to be properly nourished.

5 Slow recovery. If your injuries always take a long time to heal, it may be due to a lack of protein. Keep in mind that protein is indispensable for good healing and new cell growth. Plus, it's also in charge of strengthening your immune system. If you lack protein, you'll notice your wounds take longer to heal.

6 Fluid retention. A poor diet containing insufficient protein can cause fluid retention, which will make you look bigger. Try to avoid both alcohol and too much salt, eat a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water.

7 A compromised immune system. A protein deficiency may make your immune system weaken. Protein is essential for your immune system, so a lack of it leads to general vulnerability to all kinds of illnesses. Recommendations if you're not eating enough protein. If you're not eating enough protein and have noticed some of these symptoms, it's time to add protein-rich foods to your diet.

Eat more of the following foods:. Lentils. Each 100 grams you eat contains 18 grams of protein. They're also high in iron. This legume will help renew your body's cells and prevent premature aging. Spinach. Spinach is a great option for consuming more protein, and is also a good source of calcium and iron. You can eat it raw, in salads, or cook it. Cooking spinach increases its protein content up to 5 times and also increases its iron. Seeds and nuts. These are high in protein and fiber, thus preventing constipation. All you have to do is eat a moderate amount to notice the difference. Meat. Meat is an excellent protein-rich food. Chicken breast is great, low in fat and high in protein (26 grams of protein per 100 grams). You also have roasted turkey, which also contains little fat and even a little more protein. With it, you'll get 29 grams of protein (per 100 grams). Steak provides 21 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lastly, ham contains 30 grams of protein per 100 grams...

7 Best Diuretic Foods You Might Want to Add Your Diet - Food and Health

7 Best Diuretic Foods You Might Want Add Your Diet

7 Diuretic Foods You Might Want to Add to Your Diet
Diuretic Foods You Might Want Add Your Diet
7 Best Diuretic Foods You Might Want to Add to Your Diet Diuretic foods have a nutritional profile that helps balance the fluids and electrolytes in your body. They tend to have a high water content and be rich in potassium, in addition to other essential minerals helpful for eliminating excess sodium through your urine. Eating these foods helps your kidneys function well. It helps them clean your urinary tract and control the inflammation that retained fluids in your tissues cause. In addition, they're great for weight loss, since they improve your body's waste-eliminating processes. Plus, they speed up your metabolism with few calories. Actually, they're so good for your health that here we've compiled 7 foods that are worth adding to your diet. Take a look.

1 Tomatoes. First of all, tomatoes are a diuretic food that should be in everybody's meal plan. Tomatoes are a natural source of essential nutrients that help with fluid retention. They're more than 90% water. Plus, they also contain large amounts of essential minerals that help balance your electrolyte levels. Eating them regularly will strengthen your renal health. Meanwhile, they're also protect your cardiovascular system from problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

2 Cucumbers. Cucumbers are one of the diuretic foods that are most recommended for treating fluid retention and inflammatory disorders like arthritis. Their antioxidants along with their high water content restore good functioning in your circulatory and lymphatic systems. This helps get rid of extra fluids and toxins. This is a mineral that plays a role in balancing sodium levels, thus preventing kidney problems. Finally, they also provide your body with minerals like sulfur and silicon. They are two necessary elements for proper elimination of uric acid.

3 Pineapples. Pineapples are a tropical fruit known the world over for how good they are for weight loss and preventing kidney and cardiovascular system problems. Low in calories and high in enzymes like bromelain, they are good for your digestion and help you lose any extra weight and improve intestinal problems. Pineapples are 85% water and also contain high levels of fiber, vitamin C, and minerals. These help your body to balance its fluid levels.

4 Beets. Beets contain high levels of minerals, water, and antioxidants that help support your kidney and liver health. Whether you have them in juice form or by themselves, they are a complete food. They help your body remove fluids and other waste material that tends to accumulate in your tissues. Plus, they provide you with significant amounts of iron, magnesium, and potassium. These are minerals you need to fight inflammation. As if that weren't enough, they are quite filling, an important point if you are trying to lose weight.

5 Watermelon. Watermelon is a natural diuretic with essential nutrients that work to prevent and treat all kinds of conditions and illnesses. They contain more water than almost any other fruit, and therefore contain fewer calories than most. In addition, they contain good amounts of potassium and magnesium. These are two vital minerals for getting electrolytes balanced in your body. These, along with their other vitamins and minerals, make watermelons good at fighting inflammation in your body tissues and stimulating the removal of retained fluids.

6 Melon. This delicious fruit consists of more than 90% water, giving it diuretic and detoxifying properties. It has been known as a great choice for decades due to its refreshing and nutritional powers. After all, it contains fiber, vitamins, and other compounds that promote good health. Regular consumption contributes to a reduction in retained fluids and inflammation. Therefore, it helps prevent the development of chronic disorders. Melon also contains antioxidants like beta-carotene. Our body needs this to prevent the oxidative damage that accelerates the aging process. "We recommend reading: How to Make Melon Water to Lose Weight and Sleep Better".

7 Onions. Finally, onions are rich in vitamins and oligo elements, which help relieve inflammation as they increase urine production. They contain remarkable amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all necessary for balancing mineral salts in your body. They are up to 91% water, making them a powerful diuretic and detoxifying food. In addition, they support your kidneys while protecting you from urinary tract infections. Do you feel like you have fluid retention or inflammation? Make these food a part of your regular diet and see how effective they are at treating these problems for yourself... 

7 Best Carbohydrate Sources to Lose Weight Healthy Way - Food and Health

7 Best Carbohydrate Sources to Lose Weight

7 Best Carbohydrate Sources to Lose Weight the Healthy Way
Best Carbohydrate Sources to Lose Weight
7 Best Carbohydrate Sources to Lose Weight the Healthy Way Carbohydrates have been considered the #1 enemy for anyone who's trying to drop extra weight through their diet for a long time now. However, lately it has been proven that this perception of carbs is wrong. In reality, they can actually help you reach your weight loss goal. While unhealthy sources like white flour can sabotage your efforts, foods like whole grains are remarkably good for your body. In fact, many nutritionists have reached a consensus and say that this macro-nutrient is one of the most necessary ones for your body to produce energy and control sugar levels. Therefore it's very important to know how to incorporate them into your diet and how to identify healthy sources. Below, we'll talk about 7 of the best sources of carbs.

1 Oats. Considered one of the most complete foods from a nutritional standpoint, oats are an excellent source of carbohydrates for losing weight. They contain a significant amount of soluble fiber, a nutrient that dissolves in your body and speeds up your metabolism. They also help your digestive system work properly by encouraging the elimination of toxins and fats retained in your body. Regular consumption is even linked to being less likely to accumulate fat around your middle, something that could increase your risk of cardiac problems. "Check this article out: 9 Benefits of Eating Oats and Why You Should Add Them to Your Breakfast".

2 Whole grain pasta. Adding a few servings of whole grain pasta to your meal plan means you get to enjoy varied and (especially!) healthy dishes that taste great. However, there's more: whole wheat pasta is a source of carbohydrates that keeps fat from building up around your waist when eaten in moderation. A small portion contains 200 calories after cooking, and goes great with vegetables and lean meat to form a perfect meal.

3 Beans. Beans contain all kinds of essential nutrients that your cardiac and digestive health will thank you for. Their fiber content encourages controlled cholesterol levels while helping regulate gastrointestinal processes, too. Beans give your body energy and provide valuable amounts of protein and iron, which is especially great when working out. As if that weren't enough, they're low in calories and help you feel full longer than other carbohydrate sources.

4 Wheat berries. Wheat berries have become very popular in recent years, especially with vegetarians and health food fans. They're an important source of high-quality carbohydrates in addition to fiber, vegetable protein, and minerals. They also improve the transformation of food into energy, increasing your metabolic rate and resulting in effective weight loss.

5 Bananas. Many people are missing out on the wonders of bananas because they think that they're fattening with all their sugar, carbs, and calories. However, now we can see them for what they really are: a very nutritious fruit for all kinds of diets. They provide fiber and resistant starch, a type of starch that your body can completely digest. Bananas make you feel full for longer, up your energy levels, and help your digestion.

6 Quinoa. Quinoa is a "super food" that has been gaining fame all over the world. It's not only a healthy source of carbohydrates; it also contains protein and essential amino acids, which help build lean muscle. As a regular part of your diet, it speeds up your metabolism while increasing calorie-burning and encouraging weight loss. It also optimizes energy usage in your body, improving your mental and physical performance throughout the day. "Take a look at this article: Learn How to Make Quinoa Milk and its Benefits".

7 Barley. Complex carbohydrates like barley are perfect for satisfying your appetite when you have food cravings. These carbs are easily turned into "fuel" for your body and lower your risk of having high blood sugar levels. Barley is very low in calories and is an easy addition to salads, soups, and other dishes. As you've just seen, not all carbs are bad if you're trying to eat well and lose weight. If you incorporate the above-mentioned options into your diet, they'll do remarkable things for your weight loss efforts... 

7 Things You Should Avoid Doing after Eating - Food and Health

7 Things You Should Avoid Doing after Eating

7 Things You Should Avoid Doing after Eating
Things You Should Avoid Doing after Eating
7 Things You Should Avoid Doing after Eating Many people have a bit of spare time after eating their main weekend meals and, to take advantage of that time, they have certain habits to entertain themselves or relax. Over time, these habits have spread through the population and, although some are done unconsciously, they are not always good for maintaining our well-being. They may seem rather inoffensive, but over time, these activities can contribute to uncomfortable symptoms or serious health problems. Given that many people are unaware of these risks, we want to reveal them in detail. Discover them!.

1 Sleeping. Having a siesta or going to sleep after eating can lead to troublesome digestive symptoms. Although this is a relaxing and necessary habit for many people, it is essential to bear in mind that doing this directly affects the digestive process. Given that the body is lying down, the gastric juices do not fully cover the food in the stomach. Thus, the food's nutrients are not fully absorbed. Also, it can cause problems in the esophagus, given that the acid nature of the gastric juices causes reflux and a burning sensation.

2 Smoking. It's no secret that the bad habit of smoking has serious consequences for lung and cardiovascular health. What some people don't know is that the risks are even higher when you smoke after a meal. This is because the nicotine combines with the excess oxygen that is necessary for digestion, and thus facilitates the absorption of carcinogens.

3 Eating fruit. Some people may think that fruits are a healthy alternative to complement the main meals of the day. They are sweet, versatile and seem to be a good option to replace traditional desserts. However, what few people know is that it is best to eat them on an empty stomach, whether first thing in the morning or between meals. This is because fruits require different enzymes to be digested well and their natural sugars need longer to be absorbed fully. Without other foods to digest at the same time, the body benefits from all their nutrients, fibers and simple sugars, which will give you more energy. If you eat fruits just before or after an abundant meal, they will stay in the stomach for longer and can cause indigestion, gases and other annoyances. Taking a shower. Taking a shower is relaxing and good for circulatory health, However, it's not ideal to take one after eating, because it can weaken the digestive system. Showers increase the blood flow to the hands and lower parts of the body, and then reduce the quantity of blood that goes to the stomach. As a consequence, your stomach may function inadequately, which can cause pains, inflammation and heaviness.

5 Drinking cold water. Drinking cold water during or after after meals can cause poor digestion. It causes foods to agglutinate and makes the processes of absorbing nutrients and separating out waste more difficult.

6 Drinking tea. Although tea is a healthy drink, it's not advisable to drink it with main meals. It interferes with the absorption of iron, because it contains a substance called tannic acid which binds to proteins and this mineral. As a result, there is a reduction of up to 87% in the absorption of iron, which can lead to chronic episodes of anemia. This nutrient is essential for producing red blood cells in the blood and so an iron deficiency can cause symptoms like:. Chest pain. Pale skin. Weakness and extreme tiredness. Nails that break easily. Lack of appetite. Cold hands and feet.

7 Walk or run. It is a mistake to think that doing physical exercise after eating will help you to drop waist sizes and burn calories. While it can't be denied that running and walking are healthy, doing so after eating an abundant meal can cause indigestion and discomfort. As a result, it's not advisable to walk until at least 30 minutes after eating a meal. Or, if you do walk sooner, it shouldn't be for more than 10 minutes. Do you have any of these habits? If so, take a mental note and from now on try to avoid them to that they don't interfere with your health... 

8 Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw - Food and Health

8 Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw

8 Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw
Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw
8 Foods That Are Healthier When Eaten Raw All of the different cooking and preparation methods developed over the centuries have allowed us to enjoy a wide variety of foods full of the nutrition our body needs. Baking, steaming, and grilling are a few of the healthy methods that we have to maximize the nutrients of certain foods that must be cooked. However, some foods actually may be much more nutritious if they're eaten in their 100% natural state. While cooking may improve the taste of some of them, it has been proven that certain foods provide more vitamins and minerals if eaten raw. That's because the heat and things we add to food when we cook it break down some essential nutrients and make them less beneficial for your health. Here, we've compiled a list of 8 foods that are more beneficial eaten uncooked. Find out what they are!.

1 Beets. Beets are well-known for being a vegetable with one of the highest amounts of natural sugars and essential nutrients. They contain high levels of:. Vitamins (A, B, and C). Minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron). Fiber. In addition, regular consumption supports your immune system, circulation, and other important parts of your physical and mental health. The reason we recommend not cooking them is that this process lowers their folic acid content by up to 25%, and this is a compound your brain needs. "Want to learn more? It's Great!".

2 Broccoli. Broccoli contains more vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and other nutrients than almost any other vegetable. It's wonderful for your body. It also contains significant levels of sulforaphane, a compound associated with a lowered risk of getting cancer as well as cardiovascular and auto-immune diseases. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, those who eat it raw absorb this substance and its other vitamins and minerals more easily.

3 Onions. Onions contain an active compound called allicin, which gets absorbed into your body and prevents cancer, helps with anxiety, and improves your cardiovascular health. However, when they undergo the cooking process, levels of this phytonutrient go down and it becomes harder to absorb. Ideally, you should add them to salads and juices to take advantage of everything they have to offer when eaten raw.

4 Red peppers. This vegetable contains up to three time the daily recommended value of vitamin C. It's also a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin E, and magnesium. Cooking them for a short time will allow you to keep their sweetness and many of their nutrients. However, cooking them at high temperatures will make them lose both their vitamin C and their other nutrients.

5 Nuts. Even though they're one of the higher-calorie foods out there, nuts are a significant source of healthy fat, protein, and antioxidants. These nutrients lower bad cholesterol and help with circulation problems and other disorders of the cardiovascular system. However, they're best eaten raw because they provide more vitamins and minerals that way. Plus, they don't contain genetically modified oils. A few delicious choices are:. Almonds. Cashews. Hazelnuts. Walnuts.

6 Berries. Adding dried berries to cereal and having them in trail mix with nuts have become a trend in healthy eating lately, especially for breakfast and snacks. Unfortunately, dried berries don't have the same nutritional value. Plus, sometimes their sugar and calorie content go up, even up to three times when they're processed like that. Since they're completely dehydrated, they lose the water-soluble vitamins and minerals they contain in their natural state...

7 Coconuts. This tasty fruit is much more nutritious when eaten raw, as opposed to adding it to bars, sweets, and cakes. Famous for their oil and healthy water, coconuts contains essential medium-chain fat that strengthen your cardiac and brain health. Processing it makes it lose a large amount of its nutrients and thus makes it less beneficial for your body. "Check this article out: This is What Coconut Oil Can Do for Your Hair.

8 Garlic. Found in all kinds of dishes, garlic is rich in allicin and antioxidants. It's wonderful for your body. One study discovered that consuming it raw lowers your risk of lung cancer. However, any cooking process can destroy up to 90% of its vitamins and minerals. Are you used to cooking these foods? Now that you know how good they are for your body raw, try out new recipes that allow you to get 100% of their nutrients...

9 Foods You Didn’t Know Had so Much Sugar - Food and Health

9 Foods You Didn’t Know Had so Much Sugar

Foods You Didn’t Know Had so Much Sugar
Foods You Didn’t Know Had so Much Sugar
9 Foods You Didn’t Know Had so Much Sugar Sometimes, appearances fool you. Did you know that there are many foods that have more sugar than you probably imagine?. In proper amounts, sugar is indispensable in your body. However, it's not wise if you eat too much. According to the World Health Organization, sugar should represent 5% of your total calorie intake. The ideal would be to eat the equivalent of six to nine teaspoons per day. However, the reality is that in one day, you probably eat a whole week's worth. Eating it in excess can have consequences further down the line. First of all, it increases your demand for micro-nutrients. If you don't consume enough of them, you have a greater risk of suffering from a lack of B complex vitamins like B1, B2, and B5. In addition, that goes without saying that the risk of developing cavities in your teeth also increases. This happens even if you brush your teeth. The key is to exercise and know the real amount of sugar in everything you eat. Because of this, today we want to tell you about some of sugary foods out there that you probably weren't even aware of.

1 Almond milk. Almond milk doesn't have fewer calories than regular milk. Plus, it also contains a sugar called lactose. In one cup of milk, there are about 10 grams of sugar. This is even true for skim milk. For people who are lactose intolerant, there are other options that give your body calcium. They have less sugar than lactose-free milk.

2 The brown sugar myth. This is another one of the large myths: many people people that brown sugar is healthier. Unfortunately, however, it isn't. Both brown and white sugars are the same. The only difference is a layer of cane molasses that gives the brown variety more flavor. And, 4 brown sugar cubes have 98% sugar. In other words, they're exactly the same. If you're looking for a healthier substitute, it's better to use stevia.

3 Corn tortillas. Perhaps you've bought them for a snack between meals. You may have thought that they're not a food with a lot of calories. However, be careful. They have large amounts of sugar. Without going much further, two rice tortillas and two tablespoons of yogurt BOTH have 10.2 grams of sugar. This is the same as 2.55 cubes! Thus, the best alternative is to choose sugar-free tortillas.

4 Tomato sauce. It has fewer calories than prepackaged pasta sauce. However, tomato sauce stillhas a lot of sugar. A small, 16 oz. jar of this sauce has 16 grams of it! That's equal to 4 cubes.

5 Whole cereals. These appear to be a healthier product than conventional cereals. However, you can't get carried away with appearances. This kind of food has high levels of sugar. Remember to make sure it's healthy before buying it.

6 Energy bars. Not all energy bars are equal. There are some that have a high amount of protein. However, there are others with up to 48 grams of sugar per portion. The truth is all of them have a high sugar content. Overall, it's best to avoid them.

7 Crackers. They're salty. But did you know that they also contain large amounts of sugar?. If you eat just 16 crackers in a week, your body will get more than 4 grams of sugar. It's not as much as other foods, but it is a surprising source. Be careful with this kind of snack.

8 Nuts. Nuts may be very healthy. However, you need to eat them in moderation. This isn't just because they're high in calories. In fact, they have large amounts of sugar, even though it doesn't seem like it. Foods like nuts or almonds have the most, so you need to be careful. If you eat 20 grams of nuts per day, you're eating almost 12 grams of sugar.

9 Peanut butter. Do you like peanut butter? Well, it's OK to eat it. However, it should be in moderation. Keep in mind that only four tablespoons of this food give your body up to 7 grams of sugar. To take care of your health, reduce the amount you eat...

7 Things You Need to Know about Breakfast - Food and Health

7 Things You Need to Know about Breakfast

7 Things You Need to Know about Breakfast
Know about Breakfast
7 Things You Need to Know about Breakfast Breakfast is one of the three main meals of the day, and while many people would rather ignore it, it's essential for starting the day productively and happily. Having breakfast every day makes up for the energy your body loses overnight while giving it the nutrients it needs to function like it should. In fact, it has been proven that it is a decisive factor in getting your metabolism going and improving your physical and intellectual performance. However, people still leave the house with empty stomachs or bodies full of inappropriate food for the morning. That's why it is fundamental to know what breakfast does for you, how to put together a good one, and why it's so important to make it a daily habit. Here, we'll share 7 interesting facts about breakfast.

1 It prevents obesity. Likewise, there is a greater risk of being overweight or obese when breakfast is minimal or nonexistent. That's because its nutrients are essential for keeping your metabolism active, a determining factor in calorie burning. In addition, breakfast keeps you from snacking, which leads to consuming too many calories, fat, and carbohydrates. "Check this out too: Citrus Fruits Prevent Obesity and Strokes, According to Study".

2 It should be varied. While you don't need an elaborate meal planned out every day, nutritionists do advise against a monotonous routine. People usually vary their lunches and dinners, but then eat the same thing every day for breakfast. The problem is that this lowers its nutritional value and sometimes is the reason people skip it. Ideally, you should include different sources of:. Protein. Fiber. Antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals. Omega

3 fatty acids. 3,You should spend at least 20 minutes on it. Eating in a rush is something that can negatively affect your breakfast, and really any meal. Having coffee and a pastry as you rush out the door to work is not breakfast. Putting together a nutritionally complete meal is the goal, and setting aside 20 to 30 minutes to eat it. Rushing doesn't just make you more likely to make bad choices, but can also cause digestive problems.

4 It's OK to break it into two. A high-quality breakfast is considered to be equivalent to 25% of your daily calorie intake. However, that doesn't mean you have to eat it all at once. You can break it into two little meals, such as one at home and another at work a few hours later. That said, the first one should be the bigger one, since the second shouldn't be more than 10% of your daily calorie intake.

5 It helps with stress. Most people don't realize it, but beings stressed out and in a bad mood during the day may be the result of a nutritionally poor breakfast. Going too long without eating lowers your glucose levels, your body's main source of fuel. This doesn't just mean you'll be low on physical energy, but also translates into irritability, trouble concentrating, and emotional issues. Your body will look for other sources of energy, and when it finds them, it sets off a series of symptoms that can affect your quality of life. "We recommend reading: Fruits and Vegetables to Eat for Energy in the Morning".

6 It should be first thing in the morning. Eating breakfast late can lead to gastritis and other digestive problems. The longer you go between waking up and eating, the more your appetite grows and the more stomach acid your body produces. Therefore it's best to eat within an hour of getting up. If you have trouble eating that early, get your body used to it gradually.

7 It reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease. It has been proven on various occasions that a balanced, nutritious breakfast lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Not taking the time for it tends to cause problems relating to blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. To conclude, it's essential to throw away your excuses for not having a good breakfast every day. It's an indispensable meal for your body and its most important functions... 

Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice - Food and Health

Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice 

Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
However, while all fruits are nutritious, some have their own"special power.". In this article, we'll tell you about the benefits of pomegranate juice. We're sure you'll want to start drinking it from now on after reading this!. Pomegranates. The tree that gives us this rich fruit is the pomegranate tree, which blooms between April and June and can grow up to 3 meters high. The fruit is originally from Asia, but is now also planted in places near the Mediterranean Sea (such as the Canary Islands), South America, Australia and South Africa. Traces of pomegranates being used in villages in desert areas have been found since they could be preserved for a long time. It was a perfect fruit for trips that lasted weeks. They're also known to have been used by the ancient Egyptians to prepare a kind of wine. Furthermore, they were planted in the hanging gardens of Babylon and were recommended by Hippocrates to fight fevers. Pomegranates were even named in the Bible and taken to Europe by the Berbers. In addition, the mythology and popular beliefs around this fruit are very interesting. For example, in Greece, it's said that the first pomegranate tree was planted by Aphrodite. In Java, this fruit is used in pregnancy rituals and in China it's offered to newlyweds as a sign of wishing that they'll have many children. What are the benefits of pomegranate juice?. After all this information, we're sure that you feel like eating a delicious and sweet pomegranate. You can also take advantage of the properties of its juice. This super fruit is very nutritious because it gives us minerals (calcium, iron, and potassium), vitamins (A, C and E, in addition to B5) and contains a lot of fiber. Among the benefits of pomegranate juice are:. It's anti-carcinogenic. While not a cure for this disease, pomegranate juice helps to reduce its symptoms and is an ideal complement to traditional treatments. This is because it has several components that destroy or weaken cancer cells. To delay the progression of prostate cancer in men, we recommend one cup of this juice a day. Pomegranate juice has cleansing effects. Pomegranate juice is very good for the liver because it strengthens it and helps eliminate toxins. The same thing happens in the blood (it's detoxified and purified). Moreover, a glass of pomegranate juice a day for three months improves blood flow. In addition, due to its high content of citric acid, potassium and water it favors the elimination of liquids and a good renal performance. We advise that people with hypertension, hyperuricemia, or kidney stone drink this juice. It has anti-stress benefits. Drinking pomegranate juice in the morning on an empty stomach increases positive emotions, vitality and focus. It also reduces anxiety and stress. Moreover, it's used in cases of insomnia or chronic fatigue and helps us to de-stress. Pomegranate juice protects the heart.

Drinking pomegranate juice several times a week reduces blood cholesterol levels and prevents the onset of some diseases such as hypertension. It also decreases the risk of atherosclerosis. Moreover, pomegranates prevent the formation of atheromatous plaque on the walls of the arteries and therefore prevents pathological hardening. After two weeks of drinking pomegranate juice daily, volunteers from a study conducted at the University of Naples (Italy) had a systolic pressure of 5% less. Because of its high potassium content, pomegranate juice is perfect for those with high blood pressure. It also contains nitric oxide that relaxes muscles, allows vasodilation and regulates blood flow. It protects the brain. The University of Washington (USA) concluded that when pregnant women consume pomegranate juice, this protects the fetus from suffering possible complications (especially if the baby is born prematurely). When a baby is born prematurely, it doesn't receive enough blood flow or oxygen to its brain. However, pomegranate juice reduces brain damage and even neurological dysfunctions like Alzheimer's. Pomegranate juice fights obesity. They're a perfect supplement for those who are on a diet, because they eliminate accumulated toxins, have diuretic effects and satisfie the appetite. In turn, they provide the energy we need to exercise properly. It's antiviral. Consuming pomegranate juice in the fall boosts your body's defenses so you can then deal with the flu, colds and infections. More benefits. Pomegranates (and their juice) have more benefits, of course. Some of them are:. Preventing the appearance of early wrinkles. Treating stomachaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. Increasing sperm count. Preventing degradation of cartilage. Reducing the symptoms of menopause. Helping the body absorb iron and reduce the threat of developing anemia. Treating swelling. Relieving the symptoms in cases of pharyngitis, sinusitis, and otitis. Relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, and dysentery. Increase sexual desire. Help. Increasing sexual desire. Helping high-performance athletes. Start enjoying pomegranate juice! It's very delicious, healthy and has many benefits...

8 Health Benefits of Blueberries - Food and Health

8 Health Benefits of Blueberries

8 Health Benefits of Blueberries
Benefits of Blueberries
8 Health Benefits of Blueberries Blueberries are small fruits that come from a wild shrub of the genus Vaccinium, which includes 400 other species. They originated in North America, and the United States is the largest blueberry producer and consumer. Blueberries stand out for their signature flavor. It's great for the preparation of cakes, jams, wines, and many other recipes. In addition to that, they're prized for their high content of essential nutrients that can provide many benefits to the body when consumed on a regular basis. In fact, in spite of their small size, blueberries have some of the highest concentration of antioxidants. Our body needs antioxidants to prevent the damage to cells caused by free radicals. Their vitamin and mineral content also favors the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Because many people might not know about the benefits of blueberries, today we want to highlight the top eight.

1 They have cancer-fighting properties. The powerful antioxidants in blueberries have been linked to a decreased risk of developing a variety of types of cancer. Antioxidants protect your cells against damage from free radicals and environmental contaminants. This is key to preventing the growth of tumors. Blueberries also contain folic acid. This is a nutrient that helps repair and synthesize DNA, while also avoiding the mutation of malignant cells.

2 They strengthen your bones and teeth. The essential minerals found in this small fruit are useful for protecting bone density and the health of your teeth. Regular consumption helps prevent osteoporosis and infections that affect dental health. In fact, they’re recommended for improving the process of calcium and vitamin D absorption. This is because they contain:. Minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese). Vitamin K.

3 They protect the health of your heart. As you’ve just seen, blueberries contain significant amounts of potassium and magnesium. These are two essential minerals that help regulate your body’s inflammatory processes and reduce your risk of heart disease. These nutrients balance the fluid levels in your tissues. Thus, they make it less likely you’ll suffer from high blood pressure or a heart attack. In addition, they're also excellent for improving circulation and the oxygenation of cells. This is because they prevent your heart from over-exerting itself.

4 They prevent diabetes. People with very high blood sugar levels or those at risk for diabetes can find relief in this tiny fruit. Blueberries contain fiber and antioxidants. Once absorbed, they lower your blood sugar levels and facilitate the metabolic processes that are responsible for using sugar as a source of energy.

5 They improve your memory. There’s an interesting relationship between the regular consumption of blueberries and good memory function. Findings indicate that the antioxidants minimize oxidative stress and reduce the cellular damage that generates cognitive difficulties. These compounds, in addition to other vitamins and minerals, improve your brain activity and the central nervous system. Therefore, they decrease your risk of dementia.

6 They fight urinary tract infections. Thanks to their alkaline pH and high content of antibacterial compounds, natural blueberry juice is useful for preventing and treating urinary tract infections. Consuming blueberries alters the environment that those microorganisms need to proliferate. Meanwhile, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect to calm the pain. They are great for increasing urine production and improving the processes responsible for eliminating waste through the kidneys.

7 They protect the health of your eyes. In addition, these fruits contain carotenoids and significant amounts of vitamin E. Both of these improve your vision and prevent the development of eye conditions. The powerful antioxidants protect your retina and macula. Overall, this reduces your chances of developing diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. In addition, they can even be a natural treatment for minor visual problems like redness and dryness caused by stress.

8 They prevent premature aging. Finally, when you eat blueberries on a regular basis, they have interesting benefits for the prevention of premature aging both inside and out. First of all, their antioxidants reduce your risk of chronic diseases that come from excessive inflammation. Meanwhile, they also slow the cellular damage that speeds up the deterioration of the skin. Both the fruits and their natural juice can complement any treatments to avoid wrinkles and imperfections that come with aging. Overall, there are definitely enough reasons to eat blueberries, don’t you think? Try buying them at the supermarket and enjoy their delicious flavor while filling your body with high-quality nutrients... 

5 Fatty Foods that You Should Eat - Food and Health

5 Fatty Foods that You Should Eat

5 Fatty Foods that You Should Eat
Fatty Foods that You Should Eat
5 Fatty Foods that You Should Eat When we think of fatty foods, we automatically think of unhealthy foods. After all, people have increased their intake of processed, sugary, and foods with refined carbohydrates. The result? We have a population that's overweight, tired, and sick. Luckily, new studies and discoveries have helped us to learn something important: some fatty foods are really more beneficial than you believe. Today, we want to share a list of fatty foods that your doctor would want you to eat more. This will help you stay healthy. These are natural, delicious foods. Plus, they'll help you to have a balanced diet and make you healthier. Are you ready? Take note and start adding them to your diet.

1 Avocados. Avocados are a bit different than other fruits. While fruits are usually rich in carbohydrates, avocados have an abundance of fats. 77% of this fruit is made up of completely healthy fats. The most prevalent fatty acid in it is oleic acid. This is an element also found in olive oil. Most importantly, this fatty acid comes with many health benefits. Also, avocados are one of the biggest vegetable sources of potassium. Avocados have 40% more potassium than bananas. If you're worried about lowering your bad cholesterol (LDL) and maintaining your heart health, you should know that avocados are also rich in fiber. This means when you eat it on a regular basis, it lowers your triglycerides and your bad cholesterol. At the same time, it increases your good cholesterol.

2 Cheese. In reality, it's not odd for cheese to be one of the allowed fats. This is especially true if you take into account the fact that making a slice of cheese requires a whole cup of milk. This means that it's a good source of calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium. Plus, a slice of cheese has 6. 7 grams of protein. It's also rich in fatty acids that prevent the appearance of type two diabetes. This is great news for all of the cheese lovers out there!.

3 Dark chocolate. Did you think that there wasn't going to be something incredibly delicious in this list of foods? Well, rest assured, chocolate is here. And we'll give you some good reasons. Dark chocolate isn't just delicious. It also has 11% fiber. Plus, it can give you up to 50% of your recommended daily iron, magnesium and manganese intake. In addition, it has a high percentage of antioxidants. This includes more than other foods like forest fruits. Some of the antioxidants found in dark chocolate help you to reduce your blood pressure. It also helps to prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your blood. For this to happen, you need to eat an ounce of dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) five times per week. Even though it's a delicious food, remember to be careful with the amount and quality of chocolate you eat. It won't help you to eat a bar of sugar-filled milk chocolate every day. In fact, this could harm you.

4 Whole eggs. Whole eggs have gone through a movement where many people avoided them. This is because there was a general idea that they weren't very healthy. They thought that the yolks were rich in harmful fats and cholesterol that would hurt your cardiovascular system. This has some truth when talking about cholesterol and fat. A single egg has 212mg of cholesterol. However, this barely represents 71% of the cholesterol you need to eat for the day. Also, 62% of the calories that you get from a whole egg come from fats. The interesting thing is that these numbers can seem dangerous and harmful. But in reality, they don't have a negative effect. This is because eggs are completely natural. They even have several nutrients your body needs. Eggs are rich in antioxidants that prevent eye damage. They give you nutrients that encourage brain health. Eggs are rich in protein. As a result, they will make you feel full and they'll help you lose weight. Each time you eat eggs, be sure to keep them healthy. In other words, don't mix them with other fats like bacon.

5 Coconuts and coconut oil. Coconuts and their oil are one of the main sources of saturated fats that you can find. In fact, 90% of their makeup is saturated fatty acids. Because of this, people who eat them on a regular basis are less likely to have heart problems. Plus, they have great health. The fatty acids in coconut are metabolized in a slightly different way to others. They go directly to your liver, and from there they are transformed into ketones. Also, coconut helps you calm your appetite and speed up your metabolism. If you have a family history of Alzheimer's disease, listen to this. Coconut oil has been associated with a reduction in this disease's symptoms... 

Best Anti-cancer Diet - Food and Health

Best Anti-cancer Diet

Best Anti-cancer Diet
Best Anti-cancer Diet
Best Anti-cancer Diet There are more and more people who suffer from cancer. This specially happens in the west. This could be due to the kind of life we live. However, it could also have to do with the contamination that surrounds us or the stress we suffer from on a daily basis. Another one of the causes is your daily diet. Because of this, we want to share the best anti-cancer diet with you in this article. These are some of the best foods you should include in your diet. Anti-cancer diet: Eat to be healthy. There are several recommendations for making your diet the healthiest it can be. They include basing your diet on fresh, local, in-season products. In addition, these foods should be organic if possible. Raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains have priority. You can also add legumes, aromatic herbs, spices, and olive oil. The third thing you can add is eggs and fish. It's also recommended to remove manufactured and refined products (sugar and flours) from your diet. Reducing the amount of soft drinks, sausage, and fried foods you eat is the next step. Finally, you should start eating less meat, dairy, and cold cuts. The Mediterranean diet can be a big help if you want to prevent cancer. This is because its ingredients are very healthy. Also, many of the dishes use olive oil. (This is even better if it's cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.). If you do certain things, it's more likely that you'll suffer from cancer or other disease like hypertension, diabetes, kidney problems, etc. The things that increase your chances include smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and not exercising. Being sedentary is a current problem in developed countries. Plus, these are the same areas you see more patients with cancer. Finally, it's good to remember that you are usually in contact with carcinogenic substances all the time. These include the following: environmental contamination, certain plastics or Teflon, and benzopyrene in tobacco. Anti-cancer diet: Foods you shouldn't forget. It should be said that nothing can reduce your chances of suffering from cancer 100%. This is because this is a disease that is caused by several factors (your genes, for instance). However, you can minimize the possibility of suffering from it if you exercise for at least half an hour every day. You should also get rid of stress and being sedentary. Finally, you should regularly eat the following foods:. Broccoli. Like all of the cruciferous family (including cabbage and Brussels sprouts), broccoli has anti-cancer powers. We recommend eating this vegetable to reduce the chances of breast, colon, lung, bladder, and prostate cancer. Garlic. The characteristic and powerful smell from this plant shouldn't be gone from your house. This is because it's caused by two anti-cancer components (also, it's antiseptic). To get the best results, its best to eat it raw and during breakfast. In this "family" of superfoods you also find onions, leeks, and scallions. Green tea. 

This antioxidant stops damage on the genetic level. It also stops the formation of tumors. It's a good thing to replace coffee or black tea because it doesn't have any drawbacks. It protects from three kinds of cancer: colon, bladder, and stomach. Oily fish. Men 30 years old and older should increase their intake of these kinds of fish (salmon, mackerel, and tuna, among others). This is because their anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of suffering from prostate cancer. Natural yogurt. This kind of dairy is (also known as "Greek" yogurt) has probiotics. These promote digestive health. They also boost your immune system. These help you fight some kinds of cancer (among them, colon cancer). Whole grains. The opposite of refined grains, whole grains are perfect if you want to prevent breast or colon cancer. It's especially recommended to use oats, bran, and granola. Carrots and oranges. Both are rich in vitamin C. However, they're especially rich in beta-carotenes. This is what gives them their orange color. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals. This is important because these molecules can cause lung cancer, among others. It's wise to add raw ones to your diet. You can also use them as juices and smoothies in the morning. Tomatoes. This is another one of the foods that clean free radicals from your body. The men that eat tomatoes as adults have a smaller risk of suffering from prostate cancer. Despite what you might think, it’s better to eat them cooked in this case. This is because if they're raw, their nutrients don't become active. Flax seeds. These small seeds have vegetable estrogens called lignans. These change your metabolism of natural hormones. They also reduce the chances of getting breast cancer. In addition, they give you omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. These slow the advance of colon cancer. Tofu. For tofu to do all that it can, it’s important that it comes from organic soy beans. The isoflavones from tofu block the effects of estrogen. They also reduce all cancers related to these hormones (breast, ovarian, and prostate). You can also eat other soy products. However, they should never be overly processed...

Is It Bad to Put Dry Ice In Your Drink? | Cold Water Bad For You - Food and Health

Is It Bad to Put Dry Ice In Your Drink?

Is It Bad to Put Dry Ice In Your Drink?
Is It Bad to Put Dry Ice In Your Drink?
When summer arrives we want to cool down ad get rid of the heat any way we can. One of these ways is to consume an ice-cold drink. If there are no more in the fridge or freezer, then we choose to put ice in our drink. Problem solved!. Did you know this isn't a good idea? In this article, we tell you the reasons why you shouldn't put ice cubes in your drinks. Dirty ice means a contaminated drink. There have been several investigations to determine if ice cubes, which are very popular in summer, are good for our health. The results were chilling: in most fast food establishments and "trendy" cafes, the water used to make ice was filled with bacteria (in doses similar to those found in the restrooms of the same premises). Are we comparing toilet water to the ice in drinks served at a chain of restaurants? Yes. And the worst of all is that toilets are cleaned more often than the ice machines. The heads of these multinational chains have suggested that the possible discovery of this bacteria is due to human contamination. That is, those who use the machines and the cubes are the same employees who also clean the restrooms. These employees are also in contact with the money and clean the floor, but don't wash their hands. Laboratory tests didn't show any serious contamination in the beverages of these establishments. However, the truth is that the levels of bacteria were higher than what is considered "normal.

It's good to keep in mind that the problem is not the water that the ice is made with, which in all cases is drinkable. Instead, it's the proliferation of bacteria in the machine or the hands of those who serve the drinks. Perhaps bacteria entering the body through soft drinks isn't a problem for a healthy person. However, it may be an issue for certain groups such as children, elderly and individuals with weak immune system. Another problem that you must take into account are trips to countries or cities where water isn't safe to drink. Exotic destinations in Africa, Asia and South America don't have proper sanitation. Hence, the water is likely is likely to come from polluted rivers, lakes, streams or reservoirs. In this particular case, we recommend that you don't consume ice cubes at all. It's better to consume a warm drink than spend several days locked in your hotel because you have diarrhea, stomach cramps and vomiting. And this is the best case scenario. What if I prepare the ice?. We can rely on a scientific study on what happens in restaurants and cafeterias. But what if we don't eat at those places? Instead, we may put ice in our glass that comes from our own freezer. What would be the problem in this case?. It's almost the same as in a food establishment. When you put the water into the cube maker: did you wash your hands? And were you hands clean when you put the cubes in the glass? Believe it or not, the situation is quite similar. And that's not all. If you haven't cleaned the ice dispenser in the refrigerator or the ice cube tray, it's likely that mold has grown in them. This will then go into the bucket, from there to the drink and, finally, into your body. It's important to make sure the ice cube tray is clean just like your hands before pouring the water into it. Wash your hands to avoid transferring any germs or bacteria when preparing ice cubes and before serving them. If you meet all hygiene requirements when preparing and placing ice cubes in your glass, there's less chance of introducing microorganisms that are harmful to your health. However, there's still something else worth considering when it comes to rethinking about consuming drinks that are too cold: irritation in the throat and vocal cords. If the first thing you do is drink soda, juice or a glass of cold water (from the fridge or with ice cubes) when you get home feeling very hot, you can later suffer from a sore throat or even dysphonia.

Cold drinks versus hot drinks: which ones win?. Something really interesting about putting ice in your drink is that this involves the intake of cold liquids in the body (especially in the stomach). It has been confirmed that the consumption of water with ice or water that's almost frozen during the meals produces indigestion. That's why East Asians consume warm green tea instead of cold juice or soda. The blood vessels contract when you consume cold liquids. This increases the production of mucus in the body and this stops proper hydration. This is another point against using ice cubes in your drinks. Instead, by drinking warm liquids like tea, the intestines move better, digestion ends faster, the blood is purified and the kidneys detoxify the body. Lastly, you must know that consuming something warm or hot when you eat helps your body to better digest the fats you are ingesting. This prevents them from solidifying on the walls of the stomach. We advise drinking tea when the menu includes vegetable or animal fats, such as oils, nuts, meat, egg yolk or butter...

6 Health Benefits of Goji Berries - Food and Health

6 Health Benefits of Goji Berries

6 Health Benefits of Goji Berries
Health Benefits of Goji Berries
It's pretty likely that you've heard a little about goji berries before (Lycium barbarum). This Eastern remedy has started to make its way into the Western world. Keep in mind that the strength of Western medicine is based on commercialized drugs that are made in factories. However, thanks to the process of globalization, the cultural gaps have gradually narrowed on a worldwide level. Because of this, our understanding of the far east is becomming more and more influential. With it comes an even better understanding of healthy foods that are beneficial for our bodies, like goji berries. What are goji berries?. These berries are one of the foods with the most benefits for fighting skin aging. Goji berries from the Himalayas have been used since before recorded history in China. This fruit is also called the goji cherry, the Tibetan goji berry, or the cherry of Tibet. The most important components. The success of these berries comes form their nutritional composition. This includes:. Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, and E). Beta-carotene. Lycopene. Minerals (Calcium, Potassium, Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Germanium). Lutein. Essential amino acids. The properties of goji berries. This food continues to grow in recognition around the world. This is due, in large part, to its properties. Even though everyone can greatly benefit from them, the greatest benefits are for women. Let's take a look at some of their amazing benefits,.

1. They improve your overall health. The majority of the components in this berry are some of the best natural antioxidants known in the whole world. In addition, it has more beta-carotene than carrots. Beta-carotene contributes to fighting damage caused by free radicals that are responsible for cellular deterioration. Eating these berries reverses the effects of premature aging. On the other hand, they stimulate the growth hormone. This hormone responsible for reducing body fat. Plus, it improves your sleep, memory, and tissue restoration for affected tissues.

2. They reduce your likelihood of suffering from cancer. According to a study carried out in 2009, eating goji berries slows cellular mutations that are responsible for producing cancer. This is because of its antioxidant properties and germanium. In addition, it supports and protects your liver. This also prevents liver cirrhosis.

3. They regulate your cholesterol. As you already know, cholesterol is usually divided into HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). Thus, we recommend a healthy diet that keeps your levels balanced. The foods you eat can help regulate your cholesterol along with other things. These include exercise and natural alternatives that help regulate digestion. In the case of cholesterol, you can regulate it with goji berries. This is thanks to their beta-sitosterol. This is a great chemical compound that is effective in treating cholesterol imbalances. On the other hand, this food also has flavonoids. These are in charge of keeping your blood vessels fully functioning. Plus, they keep cholesterol from sticking together.

4. They increase weight loss. By reducing your cholesterol, the fat stored in your body turns into energy. This is synthesized in your body on a day-to-day basis. The objective is to combine your intake of goji berries with regular exercise. This way, you'll lose weight in a healthy way.

5. They help your heart. In this sense, it's important to keep it in the best condition possible. Eating goji berries on a regular basis can be a great help. Thanks to their anthocyanin, they strengthen your coronary arteries. Also, these berries also have cyperone. This is a phytochemical that helps you regulate the blood pressure in your heart.

6. They improve your eye health. If you stop to think, you'll realize that your eyes are one of your most used organs. You expose them to multiple factors. As a result, they're subject to considerable wear. In general, this results in the use of glasses or surgery. These berries are one of the many amazing natural remedies that can help improve your eye health. Their components prevent macular degeneration and cataracts...

10 Health Benefits of Papaya Leaves - Food and Health

10 Benefits of Papaya Leaves

Benefits of papaya leaves
Benefits of papaya leaves
This is thanks to their high antioxidant, vitamin, mineral and digestive enzyme content. The last is an essential ingredient of a healthy diet. However, papaya leaves also have some interesting benefits for your health. Unfortunately, many people don't know about these properties of papaya leaves. That' why we'll list them here in this article. Pay attention and consider including them in your diet.

1 Papaya leaves fight indigestion. You can get rid of digestive problems like infections, stomach pains and heartburn with the help of papaya leaves. Its enzymes protect the entire digestive system from the mouth to the colon, and help proteins and carbohydrates break down naturally to relieve the acid that forms in the intestine.

2 Papaya leaves help to deal with gluten intolerance. If your doctor has told you that you are gluten intolerant, we recommend consuming an infusion of these leaves and visiting the nutritionist to make the necessary changes in your diet.

3 They fight cancer. The antioxidants in papaya leaves are extremely helpful in helping the body fight off diseases such as cancer without producing side effects. In addition to consuming this infusion at least 4 times a week, remember to have a more balanced diet. You should also quit smoking, do more exercise and avoid processed foods.

4 They fight acne. Acne is a big problem for both adolescents and adults with hormonal problems. If you suffer from acne and have already tried everything but have had no success, try these leaves. To combat acne and pimples, prepare a mask with papaya leaves mixed with a little water:. You'll need to use a blender to create a paste. When you've made this paste, apply it to the skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. Do this periodically for the best results.

5 Papaya leaves minimize the problems associated with enlarged prostate. If you suffer from an enlarged prostate, consuming papaya leaf tea will help you alleviate the related problems:. A burning sensation when urinating. Want to urinate more often. Fever. Fatigue.

6 They improve the health of your hair. We're used to seeing papaya as an ingredient in many beauty products. However, a tea made with its leaves will help your hair regain its natural shine and strengthen it. Prepare this tea and add it to your shampoo. Then, wash your hair as usual.

7 Papaya leaves are laxatives. We already know that papaya is an excellent laxative. However, if you don't like the taste of the fruit, a tea made with its leaves can also help relieve constipation problems thanks to its large amount of fiber.

8 They relieve menstrual cramps. To relieve the cramps and pains associated with menstruation you can drink the tea made from the papaya leaves several times a day. If you have hormonal or uterine fibroid problems, your menstrual periods are likely to be painful. In this case, try this tea to make your period more bearable without taking too much medication. They have anti-aging properties. Thanks to the numerous amino acids they contain, papaya leaves help the skin look youthful and healthy. If you consume a cup a day of this tea this will help to make your skin firmer and tighter. Hence, this will prevent wrinkles and expression lines from appearing.

9 Papaya leaves improve appetite. If you suffer from some illness or are on a certain type of medication, it's likely that you may lose your appetite. Drinking tea made from papaya leaves will help your body to have more desire to eat while improving the digestion processes.

10 They strengthen your immune system. The high content of phytonutrients that these leaves contain will help the body protect itself from:. Cardiovascular diseases. Cancer. Aging. Allergies. Stomach infections. Now that you know all their properties, it's time to consume tea made from papaya leaves regularly to enjoy all these benefits...

Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods - Food and Health

Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods Take Care of Your Liver Take Care of Your Liver With These 8 Foods Your liver is one of y...