Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate Juice |
However, while all fruits are nutritious, some have their own"special power.". In this article, we'll tell you about the benefits of pomegranate juice. We're sure you'll want to start drinking it from now on after reading this!. Pomegranates. The tree that gives us this rich fruit is the pomegranate tree, which blooms between April and June and can grow up to 3 meters high. The fruit is originally from Asia, but is now also planted in places near the Mediterranean Sea (such as the Canary Islands), South America, Australia and South Africa. Traces of pomegranates being used in villages in desert areas have been found since they could be preserved for a long time. It was a perfect fruit for trips that lasted weeks. They're also known to have been used by the ancient Egyptians to prepare a kind of wine. Furthermore, they were planted in the hanging gardens of Babylon and were recommended by Hippocrates to fight fevers. Pomegranates were even named in the Bible and taken to Europe by the Berbers. In addition, the mythology and popular beliefs around this fruit are very interesting. For example, in Greece, it's said that the first pomegranate tree was planted by Aphrodite. In Java, this fruit is used in pregnancy rituals and in China it's offered to newlyweds as a sign of wishing that they'll have many children. What are the benefits of pomegranate juice?. After all this information, we're sure that you feel like eating a delicious and sweet pomegranate. You can also take advantage of the properties of its juice. This super fruit is very nutritious because it gives us minerals (calcium, iron, and potassium), vitamins (A, C and E, in addition to B5) and contains a lot of fiber. Among the benefits of pomegranate juice are:. It's anti-carcinogenic. While not a cure for this disease, pomegranate juice helps to reduce its symptoms and is an ideal complement to traditional treatments. This is because it has several components that destroy or weaken cancer cells. To delay the progression of prostate cancer in men, we recommend one cup of this juice a day. Pomegranate juice has cleansing effects. Pomegranate juice is very good for the liver because it strengthens it and helps eliminate toxins. The same thing happens in the blood (it's detoxified and purified). Moreover, a glass of pomegranate juice a day for three months improves blood flow. In addition, due to its high content of citric acid, potassium and water it favors the elimination of liquids and a good renal performance. We advise that people with hypertension, hyperuricemia, or kidney stone drink this juice. It has anti-stress benefits. Drinking pomegranate juice in the morning on an empty stomach increases positive emotions, vitality and focus. It also reduces anxiety and stress. Moreover, it's used in cases of insomnia or chronic fatigue and helps us to de-stress. Pomegranate juice protects the heart.
Drinking pomegranate juice several times a week reduces blood cholesterol levels and prevents the onset of some diseases such as hypertension. It also decreases the risk of atherosclerosis. Moreover, pomegranates prevent the formation of atheromatous plaque on the walls of the arteries and therefore prevents pathological hardening. After two weeks of drinking pomegranate juice daily, volunteers from a study conducted at the University of Naples (Italy) had a systolic pressure of 5% less. Because of its high potassium content, pomegranate juice is perfect for those with high blood pressure. It also contains nitric oxide that relaxes muscles, allows vasodilation and regulates blood flow. It protects the brain. The University of Washington (USA) concluded that when pregnant women consume pomegranate juice, this protects the fetus from suffering possible complications (especially if the baby is born prematurely). When a baby is born prematurely, it doesn't receive enough blood flow or oxygen to its brain. However, pomegranate juice reduces brain damage and even neurological dysfunctions like Alzheimer's. Pomegranate juice fights obesity. They're a perfect supplement for those who are on a diet, because they eliminate accumulated toxins, have diuretic effects and satisfie the appetite. In turn, they provide the energy we need to exercise properly. It's antiviral. Consuming pomegranate juice in the fall boosts your body's defenses so you can then deal with the flu, colds and infections. More benefits. Pomegranates (and their juice) have more benefits, of course. Some of them are:. Preventing the appearance of early wrinkles. Treating stomachaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. Increasing sperm count. Preventing degradation of cartilage. Reducing the symptoms of menopause. Helping the body absorb iron and reduce the threat of developing anemia. Treating swelling. Relieving the symptoms in cases of pharyngitis, sinusitis, and otitis. Relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, and dysentery. Increase sexual desire. Help. Increasing sexual desire. Helping high-performance athletes. Start enjoying pomegranate juice! It's very delicious, healthy and has many benefits...
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