Vitamin D to Promote Testosterone Production - Food and Health

Vitamin D to Promote Testosterone Production

Vitamin D to Promote Testosterone Production
The research and evidence regarding vitamin D supplementation and testosterone there is a fair amount of research out there that is compelling and growing so I took some time to summarize it and condense it for your benefits so the question is how does vitamin D regulate testosterone it's not very well understood but it is believed primarily to occur because vitamin D inhibits the process of Roma Tai's ation in which testosterone has changed into estrogen it also appears that vitamin D may enhance the sensitivity of cell receptors in the testicular glands that produce testosterone the evidence is as follows a 2008 study showed the risk of Falls and the elderly was reduced more in individuals with increased testosterone vitamin D and calcium when compared to only elevated testosterone levels what this does is suggests a synergistic relationship between testosterone and vitamin D in 2010 men with sufficient vitamin D levels had significantly higher levels of testosterone and free androgen index and significantly lower levels of sex hormone binding globulin when compared to men with insufficient and deficient vitamin D additionally testosterone levels followed a seasonal pattern peaking in August and being at their lowest levels in March in a 2011 study researchers found men who supplemented vitamin D had significantly increased total testosterone by active testosterone and free testosterone when compared to baseline levels conversely the control group did not show any significant increases in any of these levels more recently a 2012 study found that vitamin D levels are literally associated with testosterone levels up to about 75 to 85 nanomoles per liter where the relationship begins to Plateau and just to be fair I did find a 2013 city that had negative results the authors of this study administered supplemental vitamin D and found no significant effects on serum or total free testosterone however they did find that serĂ¡n vitamin D was a predictor of testosterone levels how much vitamin D do you need according to the National Institute of Health the recommended daily allowance for individuals over 18 is 600 international units per day and 800 international units per day after the age of 70 however for individuals will start diseases related to vitamin D deficiency such as chronic a disease the recommendations are higher also folks who live at latitudes more distant from the equator either north or south are greater risk of vitamin D deficiency as well the suggested 600 to 800 IU's per day may be appropriate but still subclinical for optimal vitamin D one of the studies I referenced use 3 thousand international units per day so talk to your doctor about measuring your level and ask before you begin supplementing more than the RDA sources the best source of vitamin D is natural sunlight obviously however that's not always an option and dietary sources include supplements fatty fish including salmon tuna and mackerel fish liver and beef liver cheese egg yolks and fortified foods namely milk and breakfast cereals and so in conclusion it's worth noting that many of these studies are looking at individuals who have a vitamin D deficiency for one reason or another like most vitamins minerals and supplements there's almost certainly a saturation point at which the advantages die down in regards to testosterone it appears to be generally certain that men with low nutrient D will have an expansion in testosterone when they start enhancing that benefit is not as obvious or well studied in men who have normal vitamin D levels and on a final note and the grand scheme of things vitamin D supplementation has relatively few if any major side effects when taken at the recommend daily allowance and should be a part of a baseline supplement regiment for weight lifters and athletes you...

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