Health Benefits of Vitamin B3 NIACIN

Tako niacin which is also known as vitamin b3 you may still hear or read about I described as nicotinic acid and also comes in two other forms niacin amide or nicotinamide and inositol hex and nicotine ate a lot of to having somewhat different effects on our bodies nice thing is a water soluble vitamin is often considered essential human nutrient depending on the definition use at baseline it helps the digestive system skin and nerves to function and is also important for converting food to energy I'm going to start by going over the benefits but make sure to stick around and learn about the side effects and toxicity it is not a supplement that should be started in high doses without the advice or supervision of a physician so nice it is most well known for treating high cholesterol for which it is prescribed by physicians it's been used for that purpose since the 50s and has been shown to lower bad cholesterol which is known as LDL and raise the good cholesterol which is HDL in that same context it has been shown to slow the progression of atherosclerosis or plaques in your arteries reduced risk of heart attack reduced risk of stroke and reduced risk of a second heart attack and folks who already had one it may benefit type 1 diabetics by reducing the risk or slowing the progression of the disease in osteoarthritis it appears to help improve symptoms including increasing joint mobility as far as Alzheimer's disease goes folks lower levels of nice and have increased risk however supplementation has not been studied folks with more nice and in their diet have a lower risk of developing cataracts and is currently being investigated as a potential treatment for rosacea aging and skin cancer there are some other potential benefits that are insufficient evidence to be formally recommended but potential benefits that includes ADHD migraine headaches dizziness depression motion sickness alcohol dependence orgasms and acne so as far side effects test ago you should not take niacin at high doses without your doctor's supervision high doses can cause flushing of the skin's stomach upset headache dizziness blurred vision and more importantly increased risk of liver damage can raise your blood sugar and it has many known interactions with prescription medications deficiency leads to something called pellagra which causes skin problems GI tract problems and mental status issues dietary sources include beets yeast liver kidneys fish including salmon swordfish and tuna sunflower seeds peanuts breads and cereals are often fortified dairy eggs and poultry the recommended daily allowance for adult men is 16 milligrams per day and for adult women 14 milligrams per day it is also likely safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding and again talk to your health care provider before supplementing so in conclusion there's really five points that I want to make proven to help lower cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke many other proven and potential benefits does have some serious side effects at higher doses may come in dietary source including fish poultry and nuts and the recommended daily allowance is 16 milligrams per day in males and 14 milligrams per day and adult females...
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